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MicheleGile Posted - 06/03/2008 : 20:26:25
It does not take much and shows that you care and are design savvy.

Create your own e-mail stationary with your auto-signature including the recycle tree symbol and the text "Please take care of the environment, print only if necessary".
Small steps, communal effort.

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Shiki23 Posted - 08/30/2017 : 01:39:17
High qualified translation bureau providing all kinds of translation, interpretation and localization :

MHA123 Posted - 06/12/2008 : 12:13:40
Hey their, thx - put it just in ;-)

MicheleGile Posted - 06/05/2008 : 20:15:09
Further to the previouse message, it is apearing more and more on e-mails and references can be found at with instruction how to insert the message with your autosignature.
Have a nice night

"Please consider the environment before printing this email"

Below quoted from the link:
The long way round to adding this to your e-mail is as follows

In the main outlook window select Tools, Options, select the Mail Format Tab and click on Signatures, select new and either start with a blank or existing e-mail.

To add symbols or images you need to edit the signature in Word, you do this by clicking Advance Edit and the sig opens up in word (when you're done just close it like it was a word document, saving changes, and you go back to Outlook).

Choose the point in your e-mail you want to insert the text and then add the little tree bit. You do this by clicking Insert, Symbol, select Webdings from the Font dropdown list and then find the tree, hit insert.

To change the colour and size of the tree just highlight the tree and format font, select the colour and the size to suit.

MicheleGile Posted - 06/05/2008 : 17:05:58
I have one of those standard ones with the standard message, I dont mind supplying :-)

Stefan Posted - 06/04/2008 : 06:27:07
Soundst good - where can you cet a recycle tree to use for the emails?






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