
CAT tools used by translators: what they use and why

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CAT tools used by translators: what they use and why

The translation industry is one that never stops growing and language technologies have contributed a lot to the industry’s expansion in unforeseen ways. Technology for translation is continuously gaining ground and is now seen as a major tool for the use of translators and agencies.

Among all the translation technologies available, CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools, are among the most used and accepted since, as their name suggest, they basically assist the human translator.

The main reason of the popularity and success of CAT tools is that they help increase productivity. They usually include multiple component technologies in a single integrated workbench, making it ideal for different tasks like translating, editing, project managing, etc.

All online translation tools have a translation memory. This means that when there are different translators working in one text, they can use the input of each other and save time since they know the exact word people are using for a particular term.

Some of the most used tools are:

  • SDL Trados

SDL Trados Studio is a PC-based system that guarantees a high speed. It offers users the possibility of personalizing the layout to ensure there are no distracting factors. Its TM helps reduce time and you can also import the final version of the document without copying and pasting.

  • MateCat

Available online, MateCat has a collaborative translation memory that guarantees 10% to 20% more matches than any other tool. It helps work faster by giving a perfect base of quality automatic translation.

  • MemoQ

It’s a PC-based software known for its high quality and usability. It was developed only by professional translators and it’s easy to realize this. All the features MemoQ offers make the working process comfortable and safe. Another advantage is that it is compatible with other CAT tools.

Translators use CAT tools thanks to their wide variety of functionalities including spell checkers and autocorrect, in-context review, concordance, text search tools and more.


Want to be an expert in the use of CAT tools to maximize your productivity? TranslatorPub partner the leading translation company, Wagner Consulting to offer training courses tailored to your needs so you can be up to date with the industry’s requirements. All courses are provided by experts in the matter and available online from anywhere in the world at any time.  






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