TranslatorPub is a freelance and full-time translation portal that offers access to a wide range of projects in hundreds of languages. It was born to help connect agencies and freelancers in the translation industry across the world and it has gained a lot of popularity for the facilities it offers and the ease of use of the platform.
The different advantages of TranslatorPub have helped established it as a leading portal that attracts language service providers and employers from every corner of the world. In fact, the site now counts with more than 13,600 open jobs and more than 13 million job views.
Moreover, the portal has a very extensive list of freelance translators and agencies registered as part of the community and it always works to provide the best for them. Aligned with the interest of facilitating things for all users, TranslatorPub presents a section of Currency Converter.
The importance of currency converters relies on the fact that they keep track of the exchange rates in a more systematic matter.
Considering the portal is for people and agencies from anywhere in the world, it is important to facilitate their exchanges with accurate data and this exactly why TP includes the tool on the site. The section is easily accessed by clicking on ‘Community.’ With just one single click, the visitor or member can access a tool that will give a clearer idea of the worth of a certain currency compared to another.
For TP, nothing is more important than offering facilities for the connection of people with projects. Therefore, the section is linked to XE Currency converter, a mechanism that has real time conversions for different currencies. The converter is updated on a daily basis and uses accurate rates for businesses. In addition, it has the reputation of World’s Trusted Currency Authority.
One more advantage is that the converter is easy to use and understand, making it convenient for freelancers and employers. Besides, it is a way to make sure both are having the same exchange rate and same considerations.
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