
Some facts about thanksgiving day

Descripción: Summeropportunities

Some facts about thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays. It’s officially the beginning of holiday season and an amazing opportunity to get together with our beloved ones and enjoy their company.

Every November, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of the month. Families across the U.S. gather for a traditional turkey dinner and watch the Macy’s Parade or some matches.

It’s one of the biggest holidays we have. However, there are still some unknown or fun facts about this holiday. Did you know that turkey wasn’t even served at the first Thanksgiving celebration? Well, here we have some more new facts for you.

  • The first Thanksgiving occurred in the autumn of 1621.

It included 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians and lasted three days. They were celebrating a good harvest in the New World and many historians believe only 5 women were present for the celebration as many couldn’t survive the difficult first year in the US.

  • The first Macy’s Parade featured live animals from Central Park Zoo.

The parade took place in New York in 1914, with 400 employees -dressed in vibrant costumes- marching from Convent Ave to 145th street in New York City.

  • There are 3 places in the US named Turkey.

One is located in Texas, the other in North Carolina and Turkey Creek is located in Louisiana. According to the US Census Bureau, the most populated is the small town in Texas, which has 421 residents.

  • Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird and not the eagle.

To Franklin, turkeys were much more American than the bald eagle. On a letter to his daughter, he expressed: “I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country; his is a bird of bad moral character.” In addition, he once mentioned how the turkey was a “much more respectable bird.”

  • The night before Thanksgiving is said to be the best day for bar sales in the US.

Bar sales in America register the best revenues during the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. This makes sense considering that nearly all Americans have the Thursday off.

  • Minnesota produces the most turkeys in the country

According to the US Department of Agriculture, Minnesota produced about 44.5 million turkeys last year, making it the biggest producer in the nation. Other states that are top producers are North Carolina, Missouri, Indiana and Arkansas.






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