There are excellent translated documents that truly transmit the essence and core ideas of a source document. They end up being valuable and interesting outputs for the target audiences, which is the ultimate goal of taking a document from a source into a target language. However, the truth is that behind even the best works and productions many times there are tons of pressure plus barriers that the linguists should know how to dodge and attend.
How to beat up the clock
It really doesn't matter what kind of app or organization software the professional prefers; it doesn't even matter if the person prefers to handwrite things, the idea is to design an organized master plan and set a specific time to each one of the activities. That surely will help to relieve the anxiety and feeling of uncertainty.
Moreover, a work scheme improves the energy rationalization on the most crucial steps, filtering the superfluous ones, which will make a huge difference in order to finish the project and deliver high-quality output.
The combination of human talent and apps is great but its overuse and dependence can seriously affect the quality of the material that will be delivered to the client. Remember, as uncle Ben said, with great power - in this case, a great app- comes great responsibility.
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