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Stefan Posted - 01/23/2008 : 13:54:51
Hallo everyone,

if you have trouble with Trados or need assistance, please post your comments, questions or problems here.

Members of this site will try to support you and give you feedback about your questions.

By doing so, you can cooperate more closely and solve your problems fast and efficient.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stefan Posted - 11/10/2015 : 03:03:10
Hi Baud123, I believe Trados is supporting mainly all languages. Which language are you missing?
Baud123 Posted - 10/29/2015 : 23:42:41
Hello everyone,

Trados platforms only a few languages.
Any explanation for this?
Will it further outgrow to other language sources?

Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 05/29/2009 : 04:57:46
Hi JR,
you might try the following:
In Word, go to Tools > Options > View tab and uncheck the "Show hidden text" checkbox. Note: I am using the Czech localized version of Word, so the GUI items in your language version may be slightly different.
I hope this helps.
JRTranslations Posted - 05/28/2009 : 09:26:42
Hi everyone,
Im working with Trados for the first time and having some problems. Does anyone know what would cause the following defect.
When Im finished with my translated text I still have both the text and the translation on the screen. Ive used the show/hide button as shown in the tutoral however nothing happens.


Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 05/11/2009 : 06:52:06
Hi Noebe,
I am an experienced Trados user. What exactly would you like to know about Trados?

Noebe Posted - 05/10/2009 : 06:55:51
Hi everyone,
I'm considering starting to use Trados (probably need to make a course, as I'm new on that kind of software) and I'd like to ask you guys a little bit about this. Any comments will be much appreciated.


Stanislav_Pokorny Posted - 03/03/2009 : 19:27:25
[i]Originally posted by carolinesaari[/i]
[br]Does anyone know how to convert a Trados 7.0 TM so that I can use it with Trados 6.5 Freelance? Thanks for any help!

1. Export your Trados 7.0 to TMX.
2. Create a new TM in Trados 6.5
3. Import the TMX into this fresh TM.
That should do it.
Stefan wrote: Hehe - would be good if they upgrade versions they keep it compatible...
In fact the backward compatibility has been supported starting with build 756 and later. To make this clear, if you have a TM created in build 863 (now the latest one), anybody with at least the build 756 will be able to open the TM.
However, it is generally a good practice to exchange TMs not in a proprietary format, but rather in an open one (TXT or TMX).

Stefan Posted - 10/25/2008 : 05:57:25
Hehe - would be good if they upgrade versions they keep it compatible...
carolinesaari Posted - 10/25/2008 : 05:02:45
After searching for a few hours, I finally gave up. I never found anything except having someone with 7.0 changing the format to be usable with 6.5. Schade..
Stefan Posted - 10/24/2008 : 04:48:44
I think you can only do it with a 7.0 version, then generate a 6.5 one. But not sure.. If you find a solution, let us know :)
carolinesaari Posted - 10/24/2008 : 01:06:08
Does anyone know how to convert a Trados 7.0 TM so that I can use it with Trados 6.5 Freelance? Thanks for any help!






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