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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SmartCAT_Team Posted - 04/29/2015 : 04:54:51
Dear language specialists!
ABBYY Language Services company, a global language technology partner and service provider, recently has launched a new CAT tool – SmartCAT (, which is absolutely free for freelancers and does not require downloading or installation.
In addition to the instruments, which are necessary for translators’ routine (translation memory, built in machine translation and online dictionaries, as well as OCR system, which lets you convert PDF documents without additional efforts), you will have the opportunity to get translation orders directly from clients by way of your profile.
We would be grateful if you try it, and express your opinion!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SmartCAT_Team Posted - 04/30/2015 : 06:38:26
Dear Stefan,

Thank you for your feedback!
>> I was wondering if there is something like a dashboard, listing all projects.
In fact, yes, the workspace looks like the list of your projects, which you can cancel, edit or add new ones. Clicking on the project you get into editor.

>> If so, is it possible for more than one person to enter this dashboard at the same time (e.g. several Project Managers + linguists).
This function is available in corporative accounts only, but we offer a demo version if you want to test this function.

>> Do you have different role levels available?
Actually there are two of them: freelancers and corporate accounts.
You can read about them here:
and here

If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer.
For signing up please use this link:

Thank you in advance!

Stefan Posted - 04/29/2015 : 23:41:24
Thank you for sharing your online CAT tool details. Can you explain a few more details for us. I was wondering if there is something like a dashboard, listing all projects. If so, is it possible for more than one person to enter this dashboard at the same time (e.g. several Project Managers + linguists). Do you have different role levels available?






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