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T O P I C    R E V I E W
artaal Posted - 09/23/2008 : 09:30:03
Hello all,

I'm a translator from the Netherlands, of the girly persuasion and proud owner of two huge doggies.

Nice to meet y'all!

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sarikah_babbar Posted - 10/25/2008 : 08:04:49
Hi Stefan!
Sorry for the late reply, just been away....Thanx a lot for the tips...will let you know how I get along....
Thanx again...
Sarikah xx
Stefan Posted - 10/22/2008 : 05:59:51
Hallo Seth,

welcome to We are glad you joined in. Interesting subject you are translating. Glad to meet you and enjoy
Sethivan Posted - 10/22/2008 : 05:57:50
Hello everyone,

I've just registered and I guess it's good form to introduce myself.
My name is Seth Ivan and I translate Christian literature from English into Malay. Hope to network with other translators who are involved in "Kingdom translation".
Kind regards and blessings to all.


Stefan Posted - 10/21/2008 : 22:55:22
Hallo Birgitte,

welcome to and becoming a real member ;-). Nice language combination you have. I hope you will enjoy the community and all the features of

Cheers, Stefan
Birgitte Posted - 10/21/2008 : 22:40:32
Hello all

I have been registered for some weeks, but now I am a "real" memberI am a translator German-Danish and Danish-German.
I am looking forward to everything here.
Kind regards

Stefan Posted - 10/20/2008 : 05:30:58
Hi Sarikah,

sorry that i didnt make it during the weekend. First of all, you should start with the basics, to prepare a good looking and well rounded CV for your potential clients and prepare an introduction about yourself and your service / experience, etc.

This shouldnt be too long, as you will attach your CV as well.

Then you´ll start to send out emails to potential clients. Your chances will increase for a job, if they are currently looking for someone in your language combination. You could look at the job board and collect some companies that are working primarily in these language combinations.

One big note: Dont give up too fast. It is a long way to build up good client relations. Therefore those need to be treated the same. Dont pressure your clients, but act professional and be able to answer them queries fast and efficient.

Hope that helps :-)
sarikah_babbar Posted - 10/18/2008 : 17:08:06
Hi Stefan!
Thanx! Hope its not a trouble....Much appreciate it.
Stefan Posted - 10/17/2008 : 23:20:33
you are very welcome. I will give you some guides later this weekend. A first way would be to target the companies that are working in such language pairs and start a cooperation. It certainly will take some time until they will provide you with big projects, but it could result in some good lasting relationships.
sarikah_babbar Posted - 10/17/2008 : 17:22:12
Hi Stefan!
Thanx for your response.
I would be interested in translating English to Hindi or Hindi to English....Would really appreciate if you could guide me.....thanx so much!

Stefan Posted - 10/17/2008 : 01:04:14
Hi Sarika,

welcome to Hope you are doing fine and enjoy our community. What type of translation jobs are you looking for?
sarikah_babbar Posted - 10/16/2008 : 11:48:21
Hi all!
I am Sarika from India, interested in pursuing translator job from English to Hindi...was wondering if somebody can help as to how do I go about it.....Thanx so much!

Stefan Posted - 09/24/2008 : 01:59:49
Hi - nice to meet you and welcome to How did you hear about this platform?






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