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 How to find English-Vietnamese Translation project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
haitranvn Posted - 07/22/2008 : 02:55:23

I am a native and experienced Vietnamese translator. I could translate all documents, websites and others from English to Vietnamese and vice versa. Please tell me how to advertise your service to get many clients?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
haitranvn Posted - 07/29/2008 : 06:49:58
I am Vietnamese translator but I live in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, so I could not take the job. I just only take written translation job from all over the world. Please contact: [email protected]

Jobseeker_China Posted - 07/28/2008 : 01:01:04
I have a client from Canada, who need an interpreter (English-Vietnamese ) in earlier september. Anyone has interest in this short-term business escort job?

Moderator: Please post your jobs in the job forum - the forum is only available for discussions. Thank you.

carolinesaari Posted - 07/26/2008 : 05:33:26
Haha - All I have to say is thank you! Since you helped me out, I've gotten three projects - this last one is gigantic! (Well, for me, anyway!) Ok, no more playing around - back to work. ;)
Stefan Posted - 07/24/2008 : 07:48:34
Hi Caroline, I just received a thank you from the PM of the last job you worked on. Good job done - I hope you liked it working with us ;-). Thx for your good work on this - give credits to me as well haaha
Stefan Posted - 07/24/2008 : 02:19:58
Cool - Estonia, I´d love to visit it once. Karlsruhe is just a sneak away from where I´m living, a great place to be. How did you like it there?
carolinesaari Posted - 07/24/2008 : 01:53:26
Yeah, you're in Germany, right? I studied in Germersheim, close to Karlsruhe, for a year. If I'd had the money, I was going to take a train back to visit because Breganze (where I am in Italy) is so close to Germany. Estonia to Germany, though, is still just a couple of hours of flying. That's just one of the many wonderful things about Europe. :)

I'm moving to Estonia because my boyfriend is from there, and he's been relocated to work there.
Stefan Posted - 07/23/2008 : 22:43:08
Estonia sounds great - but far away from where I´m living. Northern Italy is just a tweak away haha.

So what leads you to Estonia?
carolinesaari Posted - 07/23/2008 : 08:30:04
I will be for a few more days, but on Monday I'm moving to Estonia - I'm dying to get to see what it's like there!
Stefan Posted - 07/23/2008 : 03:24:40
No problem - btw, are you still in northern italy?
carolinesaari Posted - 07/22/2008 : 13:01:32
Thanks - that was easy really awesome of you!
Stefan Posted - 07/22/2008 : 04:43:30
Let me forward your details to our sales person - maybe he has something around. Just drop me a PM.
carolinesaari Posted - 07/22/2008 : 04:30:37
My big problem is that I have no experience, and no one is willing to give me a chance. Boo on being inexperienced...
Stefan Posted - 07/22/2008 : 04:01:14
Yeah - some interesting jobs are around... hehe imitation crab meat, havent eaten that for a while :-(
carolinesaari Posted - 07/22/2008 : 03:59:04
:D I'm good - just eating imitation crab meat and looking for jobs. Maybe I'll get lucky today and find something!
Stefan Posted - 07/22/2008 : 03:21:30
Hallo Carolinesaari, how are you doing today? Good to see you around ;-)






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