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 Really long sentence!!

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carolinesaari Posted - 08/26/2008 : 03:36:04
I'm doing a translation from German to English, but because the sentence is so long, I keep losing track of the meaning and what each part of the sentence is referring to.

Here's the sentence:
"Ersatzteile bezeichnet die Teile und Materialien von Fahrzeugen, welche bei Defekt oder Verschleiß als Bestandteil der in der Fahrzeug- und Wartungsdokumentation definierten Wartungs- oder Reparaturarbeiten am Fahrzeug oder in einer Großkomponente oder Komponente gegen ein Neuteil ausgewechselt werden und selbst nicht weiter aufgearbeitet oder repariert werden (kleinste tauschbare Einheit)."

I've gotten most of it, but I'm still unsure about "oder in einer Großkomponente oder Komponente." Can anyone help me?
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Shiki23 Posted - 08/30/2017 : 01:35:11
High qualified translation bureau providing all kinds of translation, interpretation and localization :

Stefan Posted - 10/17/2008 : 23:18:06
You are welcome. I`m aware that your chances are currently really good if you have a Security Clearance. This will allow you to receive huge amounts of work from different government contracted agencies in the UK.

I´m not sure about the process, but I suggest that you´ll have a look into that as well.
adamdave07 Posted - 10/17/2008 : 12:25:16
thank you very much for the information.

Stefan Posted - 10/17/2008 : 01:03:21
Hi - I believe the current price is averaging around 40 GBP. I´m not so sure with Arabic, as there are a lot of competitors on the market.
adamdave07 Posted - 10/16/2008 : 04:13:15
Thank you,
I used to work as translator in Syria for 5 years,so I have a good experience.
It is first time i am going to translate in UK,but I don't have any idea about the rate.
I was searching in the internet and i found that the ranges,like you said, are wide.
can you please tell me an idea about the price,minimum and maximum, per 1000 words please.

Stefan Posted - 10/16/2008 : 01:16:10
Hi, welcome to and within our Community. The price ranges are pretty wide currently. Do you start off in the UK or do you already have a profound experience?
adamdave07 Posted - 10/15/2008 : 14:07:22
i just started in, but i need sombody to help me to start of
I need to know the rate of the translation I am going to do, I used to work in Syria and the rate there is completely different.
The source language is English and the target language is Arabic.
Can you please give me an advice about the rate in UK?
thank you

carolinesaari Posted - 08/26/2008 : 23:53:56
Thanks - after translating for long periods of time, my brain just turns to mush... haha
Stefan Posted - 08/26/2008 : 08:36:52
Hi, Großkomponente means a major component (e.g. you dont have to exchange the whole component, but only a small part of this component), where component stands for exchange of the whole thing :-)

Hehe - hope that helps a little.






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